Dear Friends of FIF,
I am glad to share that FIF has been going from strength to strength. We are so honoured to have esteemed supporters and donors who have made FIF’s programmes and initiatives possible.
Throughout 2019, FIF has reflected on the message of hope, harmony and unity. Bringing together the visual, culinary and performance arts through several avenues such as our Stars in Harmony fundraising gala, masterclasses, art and music collaborations.
Importantly, I am proud to announce FIF’s charitable recording “I Want”. A global outreach project in benefit of music and the arts. Arranged and featuring FIF Artists in Support Leon Ko, Eason Chan, Renée Fleming and Lang Lang to be distributed worldwide and supported by Universal Music, this special initiative emphasizes that the universal language of music can unite and connect us all.
All proceeds from the recording will go to support the work of First Initiative Foundation, to uplift the community through initiatives that benefit music, the arts and education locally and abroad.
In 2020, FIF will be celebrating our 10th year anniversary. For this milestone, FIF brings it home with our campaign for the year FIF HOME Kong (我家.香港). This year, we want to celebrate all that its inherently and uniquely Hong Kong. We celebrate local artists, musicians, artisans and all that makes our Hong Kong special.
As we continue to take the first initiative, I urge you all to keep an ear out for the exciting initiatives and programmes we have planned.
Yours sincerely,
Michelle Ong
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