Lee Gardens x First Initiative Foundation FURRYTALES – General Terms & Conditions
For the safety of all participants and staff, every participant must meet the following “Rules and Regulations” in order to participate in FURRYTALES. Participants must be aware that such event involves a degree of unpredictability, where quick reactions and strict attention to directions from staff are essential. If at any time during the event, any participant is assessed by staff is not being able to fulfil the following criteria, they will be asked to leave the venue and they must immediately comply with such directions.
Rules and Regulations
1. All dogs and cats must have been duly inoculated against infectious diseases.
a. All dogs must be fully vaccinated against common infectious diseases at least 14 days prior to the event, which include:
i. Canine distemper,
ii. Canine parvovirus, and
iii. Any such additional diseases as the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department may consider appropriate.
b. All cats must be fully vaccinated against common infectious diseases at least 14 days prior to the event, which include:
i. Feline panleucopaenia,
ii. Feline respiratory disease complex, and
iii. Any such additional diseases as the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department may consider appropriate.
2. All dogs must be accompanied by a valid dog license issued by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. All dogs must be implanted with a microchip for identification and must be scanned upon entry and present the soft copy of dog’s vaccine record for verification purpose.
3. Participants should pay attention to the safety of themselves and their pets, and keep their pets under control effectively, in order not to cause any loss of pets, nuisance or danger to other people and pets.
4. All pets must remain on leashes at all times.
5. For dogs over 20kg should be on leashes of not more than 2m in length.
6. If the dog belongs to either Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, Fila Braziliero or a cross involving any of these breeds i.e. the fighting dogs or known as dangerous dogs, muzzle is required and it should be on a leash not more than 1.5m in length.
7. Participants should bring their own drinkable water and water bowl for their pets.
8. Please keep the environment clean and hygienic, do not allow the pets to foul indiscriminately. Please clean up after use and deposit the excrement in the pet excreta collection bin.
9. The Public Health (Animals and Birds) Ordinance (Cap.139), the Dogs and Cats Ordinance (Cap. 167), the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance (cap. 169), the Rabies Ordinance (Cap. 421) and the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586), and their subsidiary legislations and all other relevant legislations must be fully complied with at all times.
10. We reserve the right to deny any pet to enter the venue if:
a. microchip is not found and/or vaccine status of the dogs is not clear;
b. vaccine status of the cats is not clear;
c. the pets are showing signs of illness;
d. the pets are showing aggression toward any pets or people;
the pets cannot be controlled by the owner or handler.
Disease Prevention and Control Measures
In line with the Government’s disease prevention and control measures, and to ensure the health and safety of the public, participants and staff, we have enhanced hygiene measures with the following special arrangements:
1. If you have travelled outside Hong Kong in the past 14 days or are wearing a home quarantine tracking wristband, please wait until your quarantine period is over before visiting;
2. “LeaveHomeSafe” QR Codes are available at entrance, participants must scan it before entering the venue;
3. Temperature checks will be carried out before admission. Visitors showing a temperature of 37.5°C or above will not be able to enter the venue;
4. Please use the hand sanitizer provided at entrance;
5. Please wear a mask at all times in the venue;
6. Please maintain social distancing;
7. No food and drink are allowed in the venue;
8. If a participant exhibits including but not limited to a fever, a headache, vomiting, diarrhoea, a severe cough etc, or any other symptoms that may endanger the health of other participants, the staff reserves the right to prevent the relevant person from entering the venue or participating in the activity, and/or to ask the relevant person to leave the venue immediately;
9. Pets are allowed inside the venue but the staff reserves the final right to not allow an item or object to be brought into the venue. If a participant does not observe the rules, disturbs the order, or causes a disturbance to other participants, the staff reserves the right to disqualify the relevant person, request that they stop their activity and leave the venue immediately, and/or forbid them from entering the venue again.
If anything, all participants should follow instructions of staff. We will comply with the Government’s latest measures and will continue to review the situation and adjust the venues and event arrangements accordingly. Thank you for your co-operation.
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