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(單件裝 Unit)櫻桃小丸子 - 恐龍積木盲盒系列 Chibi Maruko Chan – Limited Edition Blind Box: Dinosaur Series

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Product Details

櫻桃小丸子恐龍積木盲盒系列 ,共推出8款,包括:主角櫻桃小丸子、小丸子爺爺、花輪、小玉、野口、豬太郎與不同的恐龍,還有2款隱藏人物及恐龍朋友,全球限定版,更讓大家學習不同類型的恐龍,快來收集小丸子和花輪的恐龍世界喔!

Chibi Maruko Chan – Limited Edition Blind Box: Dinosaur Series features 8 different combos of character and dinosaur figures: Chibi Maruko Chan, Sakura Tomozou, Hanawa Kun, Tama Chan, Noguchi San, Butaro Kun, plus 2 “surprised” variants. Purchase a single blind box to get a surprise or buy the full set of 8 boxes for all 8 special edition designs. Learning dinosaurs couldn’t be more fun!

包裝大小Box Size:23 cm x 15 cm x 5 cm

*隨機抽選。Randomly selected.

*櫻桃小丸子官方授權產品。Official Chibi Maruko Chan licensed item.

* 此合作企劃所得收益扣除成本後,將全數撥捐領賢慈善基金( FIF ),以支持各種惠及社區、藝術及教育的慈善活動。 All proceeds will go to First Initiative Foundation's (FIF) charitable initiatives that benefit the community, arts and education.

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(單件裝 Unit)櫻桃小丸子 - 恐龍積木盲盒系列 Chibi Maruko Chan – Limited Edition Blind Box: Dinosaur Series
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